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Computer Basics: A to Z

কোর্স সম্পর্কে

In today's world, knowing how to use a computer is really important in every sector.  Technology is everywhere, and it's hard to succeed without knowing about it. Our course covers all the basics, from using computers to installing software and working with Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets. Also you will learn about the apps and websites that keep us productive.  It's a complete beginner's course, and we have live classes as a special feature of this course. Beside this, we have our facebook support group to help our students. Don't miss out this opportunity and enroll now to join us in mastering essential computer skills!

মোট ভিডিও - ৬০+

ভিডিও(মোট সময়) - ৯+ ঘন্টা

লাইভ + রেকর্ডেড

এসাইনমেন্টস - ১০+

এই কোর্সটি কাদের জন্য?

1. Anyone willing to learn basic computer skills
2. School, college, and varsity students
3. Madrasa students
4. Professionals trying to improve their computer knowledge
5. Anyone looking to improve their skills for better job prospects.
6. Anyone looking for career-related guidance.
7. If a new person buys a computer, he can easily use it effectively through this course

ইন্সট্রাক্টর -

Instructor Image

Sabeek Bin Sayeed

Software Engineer at Pioneer Alpha

কোর্স লেভেল- বিগিনার

  • Learn computer basic skill and grow up your skills with IT World

রেটিং - 5.0

কোর্স টি করেছেন 881 জন লার্নার

কোর্স এ কি থাকছে


  • Smart devices eg- computer/laptop, mobile phone

Skills Covered

  • Basic computer skills
  • Google docs,Powerpoint,Excel
  • Notion
  • Google searching
  • Different websites and apps for productivity
  • Image editing fundamentals
  • Basics of Video editing
  • Social media usage
  • Making youtube videos and online tutorials
  • Knowledge of AI

What will we learn ?

  • Computer basics: Drives, folders, software installation
  • Master the usage of Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets
  • Effective use of Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn
  • Different apps and websites for maximum productivity
  • Must have knowledge of AI
  • Exploring career paths possible after acquiring computer skills

সব আপডেট পেতে ফলো করুন

ফেসবুক পেজ ইউটিউব ভিডিও

দক্ষ এক্সপার্ট থেকে সাপোর্ট পাবেন

কোর্স শেষে সার্টিফিকেট তো আছেই

কোর্সগুলো রেকর্ডেড এবং লাইভ থাকবে

কোর্স সম্পর্কে যারা মন্তব্য দিয়েছে